Frequently Asked Questions#


This is the 2023 version of the website for 02002/02003. Please see the newer


How do I pass the course?

  • To pass the course you must

    • Qualify for the exam by passing 4 out of the 6 projects - Projects are automatically passed if you obtain more than 70% correct. To attend the exam, it is mandatory to pass four out of the six projects. If you don’t meet these requirements, we will, at the end of the semester, manually assess whether you can attend the exam.

    • Attend the written exam in December and obtain a passing grade

ChatGPT and other AI tools#

We will use LLM to stand for any AI tools such as ChatGPT, Copilot, or Bart.

What is allowed?

  • In the project work and the exam LLMs are strictly prohibited: Your handin must represent your individual work and LLMs will be considered equivalent to copying an assignment from someone else.

  • In the exercises you are allowed to use any tool you like


Can I get an extension?

  • Extensions are only granted in case of extraordinary circumstances. Inquiries about extensions must be sent to

I think I failed the first two projects. Should I stop?

  • This is the first time the course is held in the present form and so there may be issues with specific project problems which makes them harder than we have anticipated. If you did not do well in the first projects we still recommend that you do your best for the rest of the projects, see How do I pass the course above.